
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Coffee and Time: Things Worth Wasting

Have you ever read "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn"? You haven't? That's okay. Most people I know haven't. Anyhoo, it's basically a story about this poor family growing up in 1930s Brooklyn, New York. Even though they're very poor, the mother lets her son and daughter pour their coffee down the drain, even if they haven't finished it all. When her sisters protest this, she replies that it's good to be able to waste something because it allows you the luxury of feeling that you can waste it.

I feel that way in my life sometimes. When I'm saturated with dates and projects and deadlines, when I have no time to spare, I find myself taking 15 min., or even an hour, to paint, to blow bubbles, to walk, to doodle, to straighten my bookshelves, to write a letter, to embroider a hankerchief, or to goof off. I don't have time to waste, but I waste it anyway because I want to feel like I do have the luxury of being able to waste time. It keeps me sane (I think).

Anyhoo - today, I had things to study, read, send, finish, and take care of. So what did I do? I poked, danced around, twirled about, and relished in bubbles. My mind is back to an equilibrium between happy, fanciful nonsense and cruel, unbelievably amazing reality. I think I can accomplish everything tomorrow.

Everyone should keep bubbles with them.

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