
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Bananas and Memories

Okay, so there are many little weird things from my childhood that I remember - watching the big multicolored "Face" on Nickelodeon, putting on a T-shirt by myself for the first time, playing with my Pound-Puppies play set, watching the "Pound-Puppies" tv show on Sunday morning, making an in-home mail service where all the cards were written by me (I gave up that tiresome venture after a few hours), and watching cotton candy clouds with my brother on Thanksgiving (or was it Christmas?) eve and noticing that one of them looked like Goofy - but I had completely, and mercifully, forgotten one little detail until less than ten minutes ago: bananas in pajamas. I can still hum the theme song from the commercial and it seems that the picture of two bananas (in pajamas!) walking down the stairs together is forever ingrained in my memory (pity me, please). It was weird. Not just the bananas, I mean. It was weird to suddenly remember something so trivial from the past; it makes me wonder what other amusing and completely inconsequential things are lurking in my brain just waiting for the right smell/google image search/song/feeling/sight to pull them to the light of conscious thought.

It also makes me wonder how long they'll be there. Will my mind one day bury them with other information? Will I one day form new associations that permanently replace the old memories from my childhood?

Speaking of new associations, I was Googling random things and ran across this delovely picture of two bananas dancing (the waltz of potassium) and just had to include it in my post.

One more thing - I was thinking about this blog and how I barely update it and how there's nothing much to update it with when I realized something. I realized that update-worthy stuff doesn't just happen most of the time; you have to make it happen, you have to see it in something normal-looking and show how it is interesting or turn it into something interesting.
All that to say, "I'll be updating more often now." Not that it really matters. I'm well aware that I'm the only person who reads this blog, but that's okay. :D

BTW, in case you haven't noticed, I like writing with long sentences. Blame Dickens and my occasional desire to be a grammatical rogue.

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