
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ramblings #1 Art Inspiration

Normally, I'd start this post with a preamble on how sorry I've been for not posting and keeping this blog current; however, I am well aware that no one reads this blog but me, so I'll just get to my main post.

Excellent things that catch my eye always inspire me to do better in that area of my life. Bill Bryson's writing encourages me to improve mine, watching videos of people dancing encourages me to practice, and looking at appealing artwork makes me want to improve my own. Kathryn Elyse Rodgers makes such artwork.

An apparel designer based out of Boston (soon, Spain), she posts her work on a blog ( that I delight in perusing. Her watercolors are delovely - not super-realistic, just colorful, fun, and done with ink (have I already mentioned that I ADORE pen and ink drawings?).

There are just some things - clever sentences, particularly fun-looking steps, certain juxtapositions of lines and colors - that give you that jolt of motivation to practice your own. Ms. Rodgers' blog gives me jolts by the dozen. Even now, looking at this piece with the multi-layered skirt, ink lines, and fun shadows makes me want to practice my own drawings.

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